The unique properties of Microtopping® allow a variety of special applications. The most significant advantages of the material include the ability to apply it seamlessly internally, externally, vertically, horizontally and to any hard surface or object. Anyone who loves the concrete effect can let his or her creativity really run wild with Microtopping®.
This story is a perfect illustration of “creative re-use” and innovative application. When we use the word ‘re-use’, we generally think of small items to be recycled or of old furniture from home to be reused. But what if the item is an old, decaying and unused bus? That is what a young Dutch couple, Andrew and Lisa did.
For a long time, they had dreamt of opening a cocktail bar. Even though Andrew spent years training to run and manage a cocktail bar, it is often more difficult than you think to run a bar as the very nature of the work means that it will leave no time for any private life. In addition, the two were not ready to give up their passion for travelling.
One day Lisa came across an old bus which was just waiting to be scrapped and the idea suddenly came to her. “What if we were to use this bus as our bar?”
No sooner said than done!
Andrew and his wife considered a number of restoration proposals and finally decided to cover the bus with Microtopping and in so doing transformed it into an original and trendy street-cocktail bar on four wheels.
The “dressing” with Microtopping® micro-concrete proved the best solution for their re-use project. The significant flexibility, ease of application, durability and strong adhesive properties of the polymer concrete material allows it to be applied vertically or horizontally and on straight or even curved surfaces.
In addition, the inventive mobile bar will retain its beautiful appearance for a long time as Microtopping® is very wear resistant.
With the help of a five-member team of Ideal Works authorized skilled workers, the work was completed in a week.
Microtopping® was applied to all hard surfaces in the bus giving a very modern, industrial, minimalist look transforming a decrepit, redundant old bus into Andrew and Lisa’s mobile cocktail bar.
The goal was to make the bus a unique and memorable place that would get noticed and become a magnet for guests and this was fully achieved. To make the whole experience even more unique, a custom grey shade was created which at that time was not part of our standard colour chart. Now, Andrew and Lisa take their mobile bar to the hottest music festivals in Belgium and Holland and prepare cocktails for all participants.
All we can do is wish them happy travels… and good business!
Date: 2016
Place: Amsterdam, Olanda
Designer: Simon Stukadoors & TOP COVER